Thes es et!
The batchoyan has now opened its very first branch outside Iloilo. The batchoyan now serves Le Manile!
Yes, batchoy denizens, and sorry for the long absence... the batchoy boi is now living, walking, breathing, and taking in the sights and sounds of Le Manile and having all that and more in the city of Man! Will there be loving, making love and all that jazz or just swinging it out? Will the hopeless romantic convert to being a commitment phobic cum jaded 'sexophile', or will he be meeting 'Jai Ho' in the big city? It remains to be seen, but definitely, there would be writing, poetry, coffee, smoking, and a whole kaserola loads of stew! So go ahead and ladle up! We're back in biznez!
This would be a longish post as the batchoy boi celebrates moi first monthsary in the big city. As an opener, let me share some updates of life in Manile... so far!

The one true thing that remains strong and reliable for the batchoy boi is the gift of friendship that the Master Scribe has graciously given him. If not for the very good friends that God has skillfully planted for me in 'strategic' locations, the move would have been a very difficult and arduous process.
Thanks to Senyorita Charmita, life has been a breeze by far. Honestly, during those times that I was contemplating on moving over, I did not know how to make heads and tails of things. the only thing I knew is that I wanna move it. I was so lost and depressed. Then a light shone for me. I texted Charm about my situation; I was expecting a good 'processing', but all she replied was... "When are you coming over?" And that was it... Everything is taken care of and no worries... for the moment. I know I can close my eyes in the jungles of the metro and I have someone to trust my life with.
Thanks to Blogger buddies Aris and YJ, Malate has never been the same way for me. The jungles of gay Manile eats up and snares the unwary. Good thing I have Aris the Malate Jungle Amazon Queen and her raucous gang of princesses and princessettes to welcome me to the court of Miracles... sans the jingling tambourines, swishy skirts, golden hoop earrings, scarves, pet goat and Gypsy smoke magic trick! She graciously welcomed me to her Royal Audience on the very night that I landed in Manila, with no less than a night of bumping, grinding and lusting in BED... the bumping grinding part was from me, and the lustuing part from Aris.... Nyehehehehe! On the other hand, YJ the Manila Bitch, raises the ante up as she entertains me with talks of boys, coffee, boys, yosi, boys, good conversation, boys, fashion, boys, pure friendship, boys.... oh and did I say boys?
My Manila based Ilonggo friends have been very welcoming too...
Lit Mistresses and Palanca Awardees Mother John Iremil Teodoro and Mama Felino Garcia have been great bulwarks of strength, encouragement and support. Muchas gracias from the bottom of my bowl... este, heart.
The batchoy boi has more room for new friendships, so there's one slut... I mean slot, for you... yes you!

Every morning, when I wake up I regret my decision...God has been so good! The second morning of my Manila Soujourn, Charmita got a call from the Tutorial Center she's part of as a part time racket! Of course, I tagged along, and to make the long story short, I was hired on the spot, courtesy of a good 'talk' with the owner's husband's very makulit Mom. We were in the car, on the way to a client that Charm was supposed to be attending to, and the Mom spurts out whatever's here and there, from the presidential race, to the National Artist Awards, to billboards and large format printing. Everyone seemed to have been 'immunized' to the Mom's antics, and I was the only one who gamely converses with her. As a result, the owner of the center eventually gave me a call the next day, for a tutorial with a client. A week after, I was offered a lecturer job for IELTS, with twice the pay, and conveniently, after 'office hours'! The batchoy boi got instant employment, for sidelines and raket purposes.
The main job of the batchoy boi also when smoothly. The job interview was a breeze and at the end of the day, I was signing my contract for a BPO in Ortigas. Training starts September 25, and yes, the batchoy boi has now two gainful employments... Duncan Sheik sings "I'm on a High" in the background!
So far, so good...
When Charm asks me if I have any regrets with my decision I tell her YES...
The main job of the batchoy boi also when smoothly. The job interview was a breeze and at the end of the day, I was signing my contract for a BPO in Ortigas. Training starts September 25, and yes, the batchoy boi has now two gainful employments... Duncan Sheik sings "I'm on a High" in the background!
So far, so good...
When Charm asks me if I have any regrets with my decision I tell her YES...
I regret that...
I decided to do this just now...
I should have done this a very long time ago...
Now that I am back in the blogosphere, I can not promise to post as regularly as I did before but I will try my very best to update regularly... meanwhile, leave comments, emails, and sex proposals in this blog and I will get to you as soon as I can... Chos with the sex proposals hehehehe! Ay labiah all, oh and befor I forget... where is my welcome back hugs and kisses from you guys....?
Kam on! Show me some lovin... you know you wanna!
Saka na ako mag backtrack sa mga entries nyo... whew... andaming back reading netoh~
UP NEXT... House hunt... The Manila Saga continues...
Meanwhile... here's lolo Duncan!
Phot Credits:
Nyah! Na close ko lahat ng tabs na pinagkunan ko ng pics... next time na meron netoh... hehehehe