Now I do not want this to be a habit...
Yes! I know! It's been another month, or close to it, since I last posted, but you see, there are so many things to take care of when you have just moved from a lackadaisically, laid back, semi-charmed and positively scrunching life in the Batchoy Republic, to the mad rush and rumble of the big Metro like Manila. I know it shouldn't be a requisite excuse, and I am making it up for you, by posting three new ones all at once. If you kindly click back, you will find two new poems written fresh from the brush with rush in Manila.
The first one is a Hiligaynon poem with a Filipino translation, which may come in time for Halloween. Not that it's scary but, well, come to think of it, scary, yes! Hehehehe. The second one is another one of my attempts at a love poem. I know its not the 'Hallmark' gushy love poem type, but hey, all my decent love poems come out this way. I can not write a love poem unless they are about love, well, technically, still love all right; love unrequitted and lost love that is.... SO much for Shakespearean where art thou's!
Now there should be prose, shouldn't there be? Man does not live on poerty alone, do they? Then there'd be no need for fictionist, essayist, and novelist, will there be? Oh and yes, indeed dear Batchoy Denizens, on the pains of sounding a bit 'girlish,' why, yes, I think, my life right now, sounds like some 'cameo' subplot, subcharacter, from a Sophie Kinsella novel! Dirty details, you say? Hang in there, sunshine! This is gonna be one long post, and yes, but of course, let me try and make it worth your while! Just like an interrupted foreplay, let's start with where we left off, shall we?

I could remember a promise I made last time, to tell you of my house hunt adventure didn't I? Well here goes. The plan was to look for a charming little place where Charm and I could do the split ups for rent and everything. Something nice and cozy, but none too flashy. Something within affordable but not cheap. I really am not good with 'building living.' I do know that it is the 'in' and bachelor-y way to go, but no, I'd rather not go home to a building, floor and unit number.
Charm is a bit stuck with her current bedspace place. She had been staying there forever. She stayed here when she was still in college, so the most natural thing to do, was go back to it when she came back to work in Manila. I could not possibly steal in a night or two there since it was an 'all-girl' thing, and they had strict visitor rules, although the owner has become 'friends' with Charm, by virtue of her having stayed there forever. Thing is, she cannot just up and leave. She was looking for a 'timing' to break the news. However, I got in the way and I wa as pissed as the owner probably was! I slipped and told him (yes its a him technically... a gay HIM!) that I was so sorry to be taking away a good boarder of his. I know, it shouldn't have come from me, but hey, did he expect Charm to stay there with him forever? And besides, Charm told me that from the get go, he knew that soon, Charm would have to move elsewhere baby friendly, because, for the longest time, she was planning to take baby Cherish here for a vacay! Then the landlord went DIVA on me. I was banned from Charm's place! What the...!!! What did I have to do with anything?
Anyhoot... at first I found a room for rent that allowed for weekly transient arrangements. And so the house hunt began while I had temporary lodgings. God was really really really good to us! We were close to have selected a charming little unit in Pasig. It was near my office (Groan... yes! I work in Ortigas, for my official job at least!) but the thing is, it took three rides. A bus, a jeep and finally a trike. This would hike up the monthly fare budget! There was this other place, somewhere near the area, but thing is, it was recommended by Charm's officemate, and just like me, Charm is not so keen on living with co-workers. We have the same lines... "Araw araw na nga kayo magkasama sa trabaho, pati ba naman sa bahay magkakasama pa din kayo?" And so, the nicely priced unit was chucked. Of course there were cheaper areas... but then again... as I have said, we wanted something affordable, not cheap!
And by miracles, it was just actually behind my current temporary boarding house. I saw a poster about a corner away from my place, one day when I went out, and did not bother giving it a try until at least a month! Finally, we went to a go see... and we instantly fell in love with the place. Such a cozy little hovel, with a nicely sized sala, two bedrooms, oh and this was a big big love: A nicely sized bathroom! YES! I DO! While all the other houses had bathroom deficiency problems in terms of space and size for the room that should be most comfortable, as it is called the Comfort Room, and the most Restfull as the term Restroom connotes, this once just had it at a decent size. Not too big to hold a bathtub, or a jaccuzzi, but not to small as to make your knees hit the walls when you do your 'royal duties!' It was a steal, really. Not a one whom I have invited over ever found it costly. They all think that its either a steal, or reasonably priced! It is still a work in progress but sooner or later, Our little "Den of Evil" will be in full opertation in no time at all. Yes, that's what Charm and I call it for now... I suggested Command Center, but she's no sci-fi freak... and neither am I.
Now the God is Good part, you ask? All the three wondeful prospects aside from the current house we have all went down under during the flood that hit the metro. And I stop at that! I do not wanna talk about the flood!
Oh well... Where exactly, you would wonder? Here's a clue... actually, I was frantically looking for a street name, and fancied living or renting out in that particular street name, should I see or locate it, and should there be any vacancies... Charm agrees... but to no avail... Unfortunately, there are no street name in this area that goes something like... Makapugtonghininga Street, Malibog Street, not even a safe Masarap Street, or even just a Makatas Street. The closest was Maalindog Street, which was quite archaic... not even a Magaling (SA KAMA) Street! Hehehehe... Now you know where I live. Oh and yes, this city is the center of all 'centers'. I was just wondering if they have something like a PHILIPPINE ISLE OF LANGERHANS CENTER here, or a PHILIPPINE DUODENUM CENTER.

Its not a typo or a repition. Yes I do have three jobs. The first one is Corporate, the second Quasi-Academic and the third one Classified. Hehehehehe. Now that explains why I have a luxury of time to blog... hehehehe... aside from the fact that dear old lappie has not yet been attended to. I am enjoying the account. It is very challenging, and, unfortunately, no, there won't be sneaking computer time on the job as the net is very cloistered in this financial account. Thing is, it feels a bit weird to be applying my College degree on this one. Yes, I took out my Mathematics of Investment books and rehashed a bit, and yes, the attrition rate in this account is sky high. All the more exciting, aint it?Oh, and yes, by the way, I do not work for a call center... I work for a bank!
The job interview felt like Survivor. There were so many 'steps' and I watch awed as one by one, applicants get sent off and on their way home, advised to apply atleast after a month! So I got into the competitive vibe, and readied myself knwing well that my "WORLD PEACE" answer just wouldn't work. Here is actually what I answered that I think snagged me the job!
The job interview felt like Survivor. There were so many 'steps' and I watch awed as one by one, applicants get sent off and on their way home, advised to apply atleast after a month! So I got into the competitive vibe, and readied myself knwing well that my "WORLD PEACE" answer just wouldn't work. Here is actually what I answered that I think snagged me the job!
"Well, I think the paradigms have changed, and to be very exact and specific, let us take the sales world as an example. Long time ago, the selling point and psyche was "You need this, and can not possibly live without this," but as I have said, the paradigm has shifted. From the NEED perspective, it has shifted to the WANT perspective, and the tagline goes something like, "Oh yeah, you do not need this to live, but hey, look around you, you are possibly the last one without it." It's more of a "Yeah, you dont have to own this, but if you don't, you won't possibly be in the loop... Now it's up to you..."
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen!
The second job is Quasi academic and I feel like I have said that in the last post already... I tutor part time. I know I shouldnt get too attached and all, but the kids are such sweeties. In fact, my plan to turn my facebook into some steamy cruising account just flew out the window. My Freshman kid just added me up! Sheesh! That is why I resist opening my blog in his laptop... It is for his own good! Besides, the cache dearies, the cache!
The third job is classified... well yes, I still hold that job from my past life... that of part time writer, part time poet, part time dreamer, and yes... hard core, soaked to the bones and full time hopeless romantic... its a job, and a difficult one at that mind you...! As my motto has always said...
"If others can do it, SO WHAT!"
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen!
The second job is Quasi academic and I feel like I have said that in the last post already... I tutor part time. I know I shouldnt get too attached and all, but the kids are such sweeties. In fact, my plan to turn my facebook into some steamy cruising account just flew out the window. My Freshman kid just added me up! Sheesh! That is why I resist opening my blog in his laptop... It is for his own good! Besides, the cache dearies, the cache!
The third job is classified... well yes, I still hold that job from my past life... that of part time writer, part time poet, part time dreamer, and yes... hard core, soaked to the bones and full time hopeless romantic... its a job, and a difficult one at that mind you...! As my motto has always said...
"If others can do it, SO WHAT!"

What's a Kinsella novel with out the love and dating part, right? Right! So, yes, I feel my life is just like a Kinsella novel. I know its not a very male-ish thing to say, since Kinsella's are all chic lit, bubblegum pop, but they're riots. The Undomesticated Goddess is just so so so fun! YES, its what I am reading now... The latest Amy Tan did not as much as thrill me like her past titles... Saving Fish from Drowning was not that great. Well, yeah... Mostly, Kinsella's are Crash and Burn stories, but then again, do not get me wrong, I have went past the CRASH and the BURN part, and now I'm starting the magnificent 'Transformation' part... with a little crash and burn on the sides, so to speak. So, we here we are... the juicy part... LOVE and DATING. Is the BatchoyBoi, getting some? How is it with him in the Romance Department so you ask? Well... As I have said... this is a Kinsella... mind you... Not a Candice Bushnell, a Harold Robbins, or a... well... Barbara Cartland? Ewwww....
And just like a Kinsella, let me answer your question... Yes, I do get some, but there are nights when it gets cold... and just like a Kinsella... go turn the page... for now!!
Tah tah!!!