Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pictures paint thousand words

I wasn't able to get out of the sad rut about someone you love dying on you. I know I promised I won't post na the picture of Gericho and Dokie, but I can't help it. They looked so wondefully happy and blissful in this one.

Geri's green with Dokie's touch of red, in the cold mountains of Sagada makes you feel so 'Christmas-sy', don't it? Fare thee well Dokie.

Oh, and the Reyna of the blogosphere has chosen this blog as one of the top 10 emerging blogs for 2009. I am bursting with pride and gratitude for the distinction. Thank you ever so much. I will tell you more about it dear Batchoyan Denizens, when I get back from the long overdue "Thursdate" with my literary mother, Princess of the Seas of Philippine Literature. Mother John Iremil Teododro. I will also grab me a copy of his latest book, of which, I will tell you too when I come back.

Cheerios now, and do take ker. Tah tah!


jericho said...

what happened to him was real sad. but then, your friend gets to thank times like the one in the pic... :)

Luis Batchoy said...

jericho: indeed, he has reasons to be thankful for. Such a tragic end, really